Silk Scarf


Can I tell you just how terribly delighted with how this scarf turned out?  It’s 60/2 silk, sett at 60 epi, handdyed lilac warp, creamy natural silk weft, with silk thread embroidery.

SilkScarfLogoDetailI’m particularly pleased with this addition.  I knew that one of my normal tags would be entirely too heavy for this piece, and I was wracking my brain trying to figure out what to do — of course — more embroidery!  I think it’s pretty subtle.

SilkScarfFringeSetUpBut what I really want to talk about is this ^  — the work.  There’s a number of different ways folks get their fringe to line up.  I started with pinning the hems down with these beautiful, thin, glasshead pins.  I used a ruler to hold the fabric in tension and straight while I pinned into a cotton towel-covered foam block.

I decided how long to make the fringe, and placed a second ruler along there.

SilkScarfFringeLoopI started each knot off the pin.

SilkScarfFringeLassoLasso it over a pin, then place the pin.

SilkScarfFringeTightenPull gently to tighten.SilkScarfFringeKnotThe shaft of the pin puts the knot in just the right spot.

SilkScarfFringeDoneFinished pinning.  I then use a rotary cutter and a quilting square to cut the ends (not shown — I didn’t have quite enough hands to do the work and photograph it).

SilkScarfEnd2Finished fringe.
